SPM Biology 2010 – Tips and Predictions for Papers 4551/1, 4551/2 and 4551/3
Remember to pay more attention to the * symbol which signifies this year’s possible berry hot topics. (Not to be mixed up with the symbol used for the ramalan of SPM Chemistry earlier) So do read up on endangered ecosystem, and coordination and response (for paper 2 essay, write them out if you will), nutrition and dynamic ecosystem (for paper 3). (Do also check out notes on Berry Notes to complement your revision materials, so make a bookmark using your Internet browser on the notes section if you want to strike A in SPM Biology) SPM Biology 2010 – Tips and Predictions for Papers 4551/1, 4551/2 and 4551/3 Berry Important Topics (BIT) SPM Biology 2010 is out again! Young Berries do take notes with these entire BITS and do extra revision on these topics. This is just guidance for your revision. BIT Paper 1 All the questions are evenly distributed, so there are not chances for you to skip any chapter. So work hard on these important chapters! Not so important topic with the average 2 questions every year. Totally not important BIT Paper 2 (Structure) Not so important topic BIT Paper 2 (Essay) BIT Paper 3 *SPM Biology 2010 berry hot topic! Do share the tips and this website with your friends too. Sharing with caring. Remember to join our Facebook group/fanpage if you want the latest updates on exams tips/news. If you want to share this tips, you may also publish a link to this post. Thank you. (Disclaimer: Students really should only use tips as last-minute narrowing of scope to study, after you have done studying everything many times and done all your past-year questions. There are not tips 100% or ramalan tepat, anybody who claim so is obviously not speaking the truth. So do only use this tips as supplementary to your studies and remember not to buy tips from websites online.) Source : BerryBerryEasy.com