SPM 2010 Tips Uploaded!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


This post is from BerryBerryEasy.com.

SPM 2011 tips, STPM 2011 tips and more examination tips and tricks. We have heard your requests and will now provide those tips part by part. In the following links, you will find prediction chapters/topics for SPM 2011 and STPM 2011. We have the “ramalan” for most of the SPM 2011 and STPM 2011 subjects.

As with the examination tips for SPM/STPM 2009 and 2010, the predictions are not the infamous “soalan bocor“, “leaked SPM/STPM questions“, “tips sure kena“, “100% tepat“, “super SPM/STPM tips“, “soalan ramalan SPM/STPM” or any other names you would give it. The following links are constructive study guides to trim down the scope for detailed revision once you have studied everything. Berry Berry Easy strongly advise all students to study everything and do NOT rely solely on tips. (Most importantly, do not buy tips as you can get it free here, and there is no such things as 100% accurate tips)

SPM 2011 and STPM 2011 Tips – The List

(The links to the tips are found below)

This list is updated as more SPM and STPM examination tips are made available.

  1. SPM Chemistry 2011 Tips
  2. SPM Biology 2011 Tips
  3. SPM Physics 2011 Tips

    Special Tips for the SPM 2011 Science Subjects Paper 3 – Experiments

    1. SPM Chemistry 2011 Paper 3 – Experiments Predictions
    2. SPM Biology 2011 Paper 3 – Experiments Predictions

Friday, December 3, 2010

Pretty awesome promo from #CelcomExec for the Celcom BB Bold 9780 and BB Torch 9800!

Pretty awesome promo from #CelcomExec for the Celcom BB Bold 9780 and BB Torch 9800!

Guys just check this out..
Just click on it.. and make the admin happy!!
Thanks a bunch!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

English 1119 SPM 2010 Spot Question



Formal / Informal letter / Speech

1. Advantages and disadvantages of computer or etc…. 2. Describe a scene…3. Write a story beginning / ending 4. Parents / Money 5. Students should allow to work?


1. POEM – Road Not Taken / Sonnet 18
2. SHORT STORIES – Drover’s wife / Looking For A Rain God
3. NOVEL – Characters / Do you like the stories.

Monday, November 15, 2010

SPM Sejarah 2010 – Tips and Predictions for Papers 1249/2

Tajuk-tajuk tumpuan Sejarah 1249/2 SPM 2010
Analisa (***)
Ting. 4
Bab 1,3,4,6,7,8,10

Ting. 5
Bab 1,3,5,8,9

*** Tajuk tumpuan yang berkemungkinan besar dalam SPM


1. Tamadun Indus
- Perkembangan bandar Harappa dan Mohenjo-Daro
- Sumbangan Tamadun Indus
- Perkembangan Pendidikan
2. Tamadun Hwang Ho
3. Sumbangan dalam bidang sains dan teknologi
- Kemajuan perbandaran tamadun India
- Sumbangan tamadun China dalam bidang pertanian
1. Kerajaan Maritim- Kedah Tua ( Semua aspek)
2. Cara-cara Penyebaran Pengaruh Hindu Buddha di Asia Tenggara
2. Pengaruh Hindu Buddha dalam sistem pentadbiran
1. Tentangan yang dihadapi oleh Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. dan cara mengatasinya
2. Sifat-sifat mulia Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
1. Hijrah ( Konsep, Pengertian, Tujuan)
2. Piagam Madinah
3. Peperangan dalam Islam
1. Sumbangan Kerajaan Bani Umaiyah dalam bidang pentadbiran
2. Sumbangan Abbasiyah dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan
1. Teori Kedatangan Islam di Asia Tenggara
2. Kesan kedatangan Islam terhadap pentadbiran
3. Pengaruh Islam dalam pendidikan di Tanah Melayu
4. Pengaruh Islam terhadap gaya hidup masyarakat Tanah Melayu
5. Pengaruh Islam dalam perdagangan ( mata wang, Percukaian)******
Bab 9
1. Zaman Gelap
2. Penjejahan dan penerokaan
BAB 10***
1. Undang-undang Tanah / Akta Tanah
2. Kemasukan buruh/ imigran
3. Perbandaran


1. Sistem Birokrasi Barat di Asia Tenggara
2. Tahap nasionalisme di Thailand / Sistem Birokrasi di Filipina dan Indonesia
- Gerakan Islah
- Isu/ tema akhbar dan majalah
- Persatuan-persatuan Melayu
- Konsep negara bangsa di Malaysia
- Ciri-ciri negara bangsa di Melaka
- Warisan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka di Perak, Pahang dan Johor
- Sistem Jemaah Menteri di Kelantan
- Sistem Pemerintahan Negeri Sembilan
- Malayan Union
- Suruhanjaya Reid
Bab 6
- Langkah-langkah Pembentukan Malaysia
- Perjanjian Malaysia
- Intipati Perjanjian Malaysia
BAB 7***
1. Lambang-lambang – Bendera Malaysia, Jata Negara, Lagu Negaraku
2. Raja Berperlembagaan- Peranan Yang diPertuan Agong
3. Proses penggubalan perlembagaan
4. Badan Perundangan ( Dewan Rakyat / Dewan Negara ) / Badan eksekutif
BAB 8****
1. Rancangan Malaya Pertama dan Rancangan Malaya Kedua
2. Penyata Razak
3. Penyata Rahman Talib / Laporan Jawatankuasa Kabinet
4. Wawasan 2020
5. Lambang-lambang ( Bendera, jata negara, bahasa Melayu)
BAB 9***
1. Perang Dunia Pertama / Dasar Luar Malaysia
2. OIC
4. Globalisasi/K-Masyarakat
**** Sekadar persediaan, jangan terlalu bergantung kepada tajuk ini sahaja. Semoga kejayaan sentiasa bersama anda.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

SPM Biology 2010 – Tips and Predictions for Papers 4551/1, 4551/2 and 4551/3

Remember to pay more attention to the * symbol which signifies this year’s possible berry hot topics. (Not to be mixed up with the symbol used for the ramalan of SPM Chemistry earlier) So do read up on endangered ecosystem, and coordination and response (for paper 2 essay, write them out if you will), nutrition and dynamic ecosystem (for paper 3). (Do also check out notes on Berry Notes to complement your revision materials, so make a bookmark using your Internet browser on the notes section if you want to strike A in SPM Biology)

SPM Biology 2010 – Tips and Predictions for Papers 4551/1, 4551/2 and 4551/3

Berry Important Topics (BIT) SPM Biology 2010 is out again! Young Berries do take notes with these entire BITS and do extra revision on these topics. This is just guidance for your revision.

BIT Paper 1

All the questions are evenly distributed, so there are not chances for you to skip any chapter. So work hard on these important chapters!

  • Chapter 2 – Cell Structure and Cell Organisation
  • Chapter 3 – Movement of substances across the plasma membrane
  • Chapter 6 – Nutrition
  • Chapter 10 – Transport
  • Chapter 12 – Coordination and responses
  • Chapter 13 – Reproduction and Growth
  • Chapter 14 – Inheritance

Not so important topic with the average 2 questions every year.

  • Chapter 5 – Cell Division
  • Chapter 7 – Respiration
  • Chapter 11 – Support and Locomotion
  • Chapter 15 – Variation

Totally not important

  • Chapter 1 – Introduction to Biology (0 question in every year)

BIT Paper 2 (Structure)

  • Chapter 2* – Cell Structure and Cell Organisation
  • Chapter 4* – Chemical Composition of the Cell
  • Chapter 5* – Cell division
  • Chapter 8 – Dynamic Ecosystem
  • Chapter 10* – Transportation
  • Chapter 14 – Inheritance
  • Chapter 15 – Variation

Not so important topic

  • Chapter 9 – Endanger ecosystem
  • Chapter 11 – Support and locomotion
  • Chapter 12 – Coordination and Response

BIT Paper 2 (Essay)

  • Chapter 7 – Respiration
  • Chapter 9* – Endangered Ecosystem
  • Chapter 12* – Coordination and Response

BIT Paper 3

  • Chapter 3 – Movement of substances across the plasma membrane
  • Chapter 6* – Nutrition
  • Chapter 8* – Dynamic ecosystem
  • Chapter 12 – Coordination and Response

*SPM Biology 2010 berry hot topic!

Do share the tips and this website with your friends too. Sharing with caring. Remember to join our Facebook group/fanpage if you want the latest updates on exams tips/news. If you want to share this tips, you may also publish a link to this post. Thank you.

(Disclaimer: Students really should only use tips as last-minute narrowing of scope to study, after you have done studying everything many times and done all your past-year questions. There are not tips 100% or ramalan tepat, anybody who claim so is obviously not speaking the truth. So do only use this tips as supplementary to your studies and remember not to buy tips from websites online.)

Source : BerryBerryEasy.com

SPM Physics 2010 – Tips and Predictions v2

Paper 2
Section A:
Question 1: Form 4 (Chapter 1)
Measuring Instrument - Vernier calliper/micrometer screw gauge (reading, accuracy, zero error)
Question 2: Form 5 (Chapter 2)
Choose type of fuse
Electric circuit for safety
Question 3: Form 4 (Chapter 4)
Specific latent heat of fusion and Specific latent heat of vaporisation
Steaming of food
Question 4: Form 4 (Chapter 3)
Bernoulli principle (Aerofoil)
Question 5: Form 5 (Chapter 3)
Electromagnet (electric bell)
Question 6: Form 5 (Chapter 1)
Refraction of water
Question 7: Form 5 (Chapter 5)
Equation for alpha, beta and gamma decay (Graph of nucleon number against proton number)
Calculation for the nuclear energy
Management of radioactive substance
Question 8: Form 4 (Chapter 2)
Principle of conservation of energy (definition and calculation)
Choose spring (Most elastic)

Section B: (Modify and explain)
Question 9-Essay: Form 4 (Chapter 5)
Compare size of image formed by different object distance
Application of convex mirror. (widen the viewing angle)
Modify projector @ microscope @ telescope)
Question 10-Essay: Form 5 (Chapter 3)
Electromagnetic induction (Lenz Law and Faraday law, calculation, graph, AC generator, factors)
Design DC adaptor from AC supply (transformer and rectifier)

Section C: (Choose suitability)
Question 11-Essay: Form 4 (Chapter 5)
Archimedes’s principle (definition, calculation, float concept calculation)
Choose material for hot air balloon
Question 12-Essay: Form 5 (Chapter 4)
Semiconductor and transistor as automatic switch
Choose material for semiconductor

Paper 3
Section A:
Question 1: Form 4 (Chapter 5)
Snell Law/Refractive index (sin i against sin r) (Reading on protractor)
Question 2: Form 5 (Chapter 2)
Internal resistance (E = V + Ir)

Section B: (Practical)
1. Form 4 (Chapter 2)
Mass and Acceleration experiment (Ticker timer)
2. Form 4 (Chapter 4)
Gas Law experiment (Boyle’s Law, Charles’s Law and Pressure Law)
Specific Heat Capacity experiment (mass water increases, change in temperature decreases)
3. Form 5 (Chapter 1)
Interference of Light or Sound experiment (a increases, x decreases)
4. Form 5 (Chapter 2)
Factors that affect Resistance (length, cross-sectional area, temperature and type of material)
Ohm’s Law experiment (V = IR)
List of Experiemts:
Form 4 – Chapter 2
(1) To investigate the relationship between inertia and mass
(2) To investigate the relationship between force and acceleration
(3) To investigate the relationship between mass and acceleration
Form 4 – Chapter 3
(4) To investigate the relationship between depth and pressure of liquid
(5) To investigate the relationship between immersion destance in water and weight
Form 4 – Chapter 4
(6) To investigate the relationship between mass of water and change in temperature
(7) To investigate the relationship between the pressure and the volume (Boyle’s Law)
(8) To determine the relationship between the pressure and the temperature (Pressure Law)
(9) To determine the relationship between the volume and the temperature (Charles’ Law)
Form 5 – Chapter 1
(10) To investigate the relationship between the distance between two coherent source and distance bwteen two consecutive constructive inteference (Light and sound)
Form 5 – Chapter 2
(11) To investigate the relationship between current and the potential difference for a wire
(12) To investigate the factors affecting resistance (length, thickness of wire and temperature

SPM Physics 2010 – Tips and Predictions for Papers 4531/1, 4531/2 and 4531/3

NEVER EVER learn chapters from the tips only, STUDY ALL if you really want to score A.

Do check out the tips and take note of the * symbols which signifies hot topics for SPM Physics 2010 which you might want to pay extra attention to. Most students require tips on paper 3, so for this year, the predicted topics (please do not treat it as sure-come-out tips) are force and motion, waves, electricity and electromagnetism. For the full list of tips, please continue reading this post. (Unfortunately we do not yet have notes on physics, however we’re working on bringing you concise notes or what we call essence (essential notes only) like what we have for Chemistry and Biology. Wish us luck on this undertaking)

(BIT – Berry Important Topics)

SPM Physics 2010 – Tips and Predictions for Papers 4531/1, 4531/2 and 4531/3

There are 10 chapters to be covered by your Physics teacher which all the chapters will be tested in Paper 1 SPM examination.

BIT Paper 1 (SPM 2010)

  • Chapter 2* Forces and Motion (average – 8 questions)
  • Chapter 3* Forces and Pressure (average – 8 questions)
  • Chapter 6 Waves (average – 6 questions)

* Berry Berry Important Topic

BIT Paper 2 Section A (SPM 2010)

Students need to answer all 8 compulsory questions from Section A.

Nearly all 10 chapters will be tested!

  • Chapter 2* Forces and Motion
  • Chapter 3* Forces and Pressure
  • Chapter 4* Heat
  • Chapter 5* Light
  • Chapter 6* Waves
  • Chapter 7* Electricity
  • Chapter 8 Electromagnetism
  • Chapter 9* Electronics
  • Chapter 10* Radioactivity

* SPM 2010 hot topics

Not so important

  • Chapter 1 Introduction of Physics

BIT Paper 2 Section B and Section C (SPM 2010)

Each section, students need to choose 1 question to answer out of 2 questions (Section B: question number 9 or 10) (Section C: question number 11 or 12)

  • Chapter 2 Forces and Motion
  • Chapter 3* Forces and Pressure
  • Chapter 4 Heat
  • Chapter 5* Light
  • Chapter 6* Waves
  • Chapter 7 Electricity
  • Chapter 8* Electromagnetism

* SPM 2010 hot topics

Not so important

  • Chapter 1 Introduction of Physics
  • Chapter 10 Radioactivity

BIT Paper 3 Section A and Section B (SPM 2010)

Each section, students need to choose 1 question to answer out of 2 questions (Section A Structured-Based Item: question number 1 or 2) (Section C Open Response Item: question number 3 or 4)

  • Chapter 1 Introduction of Physics
  • Chapter 2* Forces and Motion
  • Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure
  • Chapter 6* Waves
  • Chapter 7* Electricity
  • Chapter 8* Electromagnetism

* SPM 2010 hot topics

Not so important

  • Chapter 5 Light
  • Chapter 4 Heat
  • Chapter 9 Electronics
  • Chapter 10 Radioactivity

Do share the tips and this website with your friends too. Sharing with caring. Remember to join our Facebook group/fanpage if you want the latest updates on exams tips/news. If you want to share this tips, you may also publish a link to this post. Thank you.

(Disclaimer: Students really should only use tips as last-minute narrowing of scope to study, after you have done studying everything many times and done all your past-year questions. There are not tips 100% or ramalan tepat, anybody who claim so is obviously not speaking the truth. So do only use this tips as supplementary to your studies and remember not to buy tips from websites online.)

Source : BerryBerryEasy.com

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